Children Whose Reincarnation Stories Will Blow Your Mind

reincarnatie kinderenWhen he was 18 months old, Gus Taylor started to talk about his previous life – as his own grandfather!

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Ways To Know If You Are A Star Seed

transhumanLike most self proclaimed psychics, I’m a little unusual. My whole life I’ve been a bit different, and have never really felt like I fit in, no matter where I was. I’ve lived in Sweden, the United States, and Hawai`i (yes, I know Hawai`i is part of the U.S.), and no matter where I go I can’t seem to find a home.

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Acts of God (Miracles in the Jungle)

kleuren duifThe mercy and power of God are on display. The dead are raised. Blind eyes open. The lame walk. Cancer healed in a moment. Childbirh without pain. Jungle shamans accept Christ.The illiterate read instantly. A woman receives the gift of knowing 5 tribal languages.

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bolletje2Voelen jullie ook hoe je innerlijke leefwereld uit elkaar aan het vallen is? 

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We are the ones we have been waiting for

create who you are1Lilou Marce in Korea. We are the ones we have been waiting for.

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Josie Varga on Divine Visits

jezus4Varga offers proof, more than ever before, that miracles are not only possible but in fact happening all around us. More and more scientists and laymen alike are experiencing divine or angelic interventions here on earth on a regular basis. Divine Visits highlights more than 50 gripping accounts of incredible true stories that document these encounters—which for some involve angelic beings, while others were visited by such religious figures as Jesus and the Blessed Mother Mary.

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Laura Eisenhower - The inner shift into higher earth energies

wakker wordenThere is a fourth dimensional spiritual awakening available right now, and the battle ground is in each and every mind. 

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Reincarnation and Atlantis with Andrew Bartzis

bde4Reincarnation and Atlantis with Andrew Bartzis.

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Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Paulo Coelho

kleuren hoofdI read my first personal development book in 2007 and that book also happened to be the first book I ever read in English, up until that moment. And then, in 2008, something amazing happened, I found The Alchemist and that’s when I fell in love with Paulo Coelho’s work.

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Exclusief: Paul Ferrini : De Sleutels tot het Koninkrijk (video)

paul ferrini2Uit ons archief en exclusief voor de Lezing van Paul Ferrini (2012) over de Sleutels tot het Koninkrijk. Met Nederlandse vertaling van tolk Chandra Moonen.

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