Ten Min to a Peaceful & Healthy Mind
Are we damaging our minds with endless overuse? Is there a way that we can let is rest and heal?
Are we damaging our minds with endless overuse? Is there a way that we can let is rest and heal?
One of the biggest lessons I learned from nearly dying of cancer is the importance of loving myself unconditionally. In fact, learning to love and accept myself unconditionally is what healed me and brought me back from the brink of death. During my workshops and speeches, I often tell the audience to “Love yourself like your life depends on it, because it does!”
Brett Bevell, founder of the Magical Awakening Institute is a world renowned healer, poet and author of The Reiki Magic Guide To Self Attunement (Crossing Press 2007), Reiki For Spiritual Healing (Crossing Press 2009) and New Reiki Software for Divine Living (Ayni Books 2013). He teaches regularly at Omega Institute for Holistic Studies in Rhinebeck, NY and at other retreat centers around the world
Een animatie over het leven van Boeddha door regisseur Osamu Tezuka. De jonge prins Siddharta begint aan een spirituele reis om uiteindelijk Gautama Boeddha, "de Verlichte" te worden. De animatie is Engels ondertiteld.
Heb je het gevoel dat alles wat je doet ogenschijnlijk tot niets leidt? Kom je in het leven niet vooruit?
Guardians is the1 Episode in a Series of True Stories that are told by Real Life Individuals. These Events are Re-created as Accurately as possible and are Authenticated by the Actual Marking in the Hands that Bear Witness and show Proof of visits from his Guardian Angels.
In this podcast created for ascension students and subscribers of The Rising Way, Kwan Yin introduces Lao Tze, who delivers a no-holds-barred lecture which is a must for anyone who hears the call of their Soul to walk the path of personal ascension, a path that is re-opening planet wide for all who freely choose it.
Interview van Patrick Kicken met Jan van Delden over Advaita en Nondualiteit.