Waarom zijn we hier?

oog3De wetenschap heeft in het algemeen geen antwoord op de vraag waarom we hier zijn, wat het doel is van ons leven op aarde.

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Belastingverlaging is goed nieuws

happy6Het kabinet heeft een akkoord gesloten met D66 over het nieuwe belastingplan, waar het fiscale cadeautje van 5 miljard euro deel van uitmaakt. En dat plan wordt goed ontvangen.

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Oorsprong van stenen van Stonehenge ontdekt

stonehengeDe kleinere stenen blijken afkomstig uit steengroeves in de Preseli Hills, op zo’n 225 kilometer afstand van Stonehenge.

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Student Captures When People Are Told They Are Beautiful

a mooiHow would you react if someone told you that you’re beautiful? 18-year-old Shea Glover, a highschool student from Chicago, conducted a social experiment to find out. She posed people in front of her camera and then told them “I’m taking pictures of things I find beautiful.”

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Putin wants Russia to become world's biggest exporter of Non-GMO food

poetinRussia could become the world's largest supplier of ecologically clean and high-quality organic food, said President Vladimir Putin on Thursday. He also called on the country to become completely self-sufficient in food production by 2020.  

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Pleidooi voor onverschilligheid

donsveertjeRaast alom de terreur, zoals Marinus van den Berg onlangs dichtte naar aanleiding van de aanslagen in Parijs? “Hier in ieder geval niet”, reageert Lisette Thooft.

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Samadhi - Film Trailer

meditatie1Binnenkort gratis te zien. The film Samadhi will be released in early 2016. In the spirit of the ancient teachings "Samadhi" will be released for free for the benefit of all beings. Please subscribe to this Youtube channel, the AwakenTheWorldFilm channel to receive notification when it is released.

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You Are Transforming...

wereld5This brief video which outlines how the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) is applying technology in research that the IONS Innovation Lab plans to turn into applications that can be used by people around the world.

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December 2015 Energy Forecast - Lee Harris

muziek2Lee's December 2015 Energy Forecast

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Jonah Lomu honored with hakas during emotional public funeral

hakasJonah Lomu was powerful. Jonah Lomu was fast. Jonah Lomu was awe-inspiring. There are dozens of descriptors we could apply to the greatest rugby player ever. In the end all that needs to be said is that he was an amazing man that conjured the imaginations of a nation. Now, New Zealand is adapting to life after Lomu.

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