Realizations People Experience After Consuming Ayahuasca

licht123Ayahuasca is a potion that is made out of two Amazon herbs.

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Morgan Freeman Loves Pot: I’ll Eat It, Drink It, Smoke It, Snort It!

morgan freemanMorgan Freeman is well known for his distinct voice and his roles in many Hollywood blockbusters. He has also been the face for the scientific documentary Through The Wormhole, which has covered topics such as quantum physics, time exploration, the universe and the origins of mankind.

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Did Quantum Physics Just Prove After Life?

bde2The study of consciousness has gained a huge amount of attention over the past decade as we begin to not only realize more about the true nature of our world, but as the growing desire to truly discover ourselves becomes something we can’t ignore any longer.

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The Inner Life of a Cell

cellenThese cellular processes, and protein packing in particular, are hard concepts to convey in 3D because there really isn't any space inside the cell," says XVIVO founder and creative director Michael Astrachan. "They are all being pushed about by imperceptible water molecules that are moving and diffusing through the cell, absorbing that energy and creating these perpetual, seemingly random interactions.

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Je beste jaar óóit: 18 goede voornemens voor 2016 die er écht toe doen

kleuren hartHet is alweer bijna 2016! Dit is hét moment om terug te blikken en vooruit te kijken.

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Zoubair War Brahim - In My Eye

oog aardbolHet nieuwe liedje van Zoubair War Brahim. Let ook even op de videoclip waar 'my eye' in de schaduw in het zand wordt gedanst.

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Human, the film (must see)

humanDeze film is vanaf vandaag ook in de bioscopen in Nederland te zien. What is it that makes us human? Is it that we love, that we fight ? That we laugh ? Cry ? Our curiosity ? The quest for discovery ? 

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A Personal Look at Our Relationship and the birth of THRIVE

thriveRecently filmmaker Ben Stewart made a beautiful short video for The People's Voice about Kimberly and Foster's personal relationship — a different window from which to see THRIVE and how it came to be.

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How to Overcome Fear - Eckhart Tolle

eckhart tolleEckhart explains that if fear is present in you, accept it fully without letting your thoughts attach to it, which only serves to fuel the fear. By accepting the fear you create space around it, and become spacious within. This transmutes the fear-based energy into presence.

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Wetenschap achterhaalt locatie van geluk in het brein

brain3Voel je je gelukkig? Het gebeurt allemaal in de precuneus, of voorwig: een onderdeel van de grote hersenen.

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