Delfzijl krijgt grootste zonne-energiepark van Nederland

bloem happyBinnenkort wordt gestart met de bouw van het grootste zonnepark van Nederland. Het zonne-energie park ‘SunPort Delfzijl’ komt in het Delfzijlse havengebied (Oosterhorn) in Groningen Seaports.

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New 2016 Gregg Braden Interview - We Have the Solutions to our Problems (Video)

gregg bradenIn this interview Gregg Braden discusses the three cycles that are converging in our current era which are generating the global problems that we are faced with today. He also shows how combining the knowledge from both Science and Spirituality can offer the solutions to these issues.

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McDonald’s to Close 700 Locations This Year

global meditationFast food giant McDonald’s has recently seen business plummet. Factors such as consumer awareness and healthier alternatives led to a 2.3% decrease in sales and a 28% drop in operating profits during the first three months of 2015. Projected sales for April aren’t expected to be much better.

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Is dit 22-jarige fysicameisje de nieuwe Einstein?

sabrinaSabrina Pasterski: bij u doet de naam wellicht geen belletje rinkelen, maar in wetenschapskringen geeft hij aanleiding tot heel wat extatisch gejubbel. Op 22-jarige leeftijd studeerde deze fysicaliefhebster immers niet alleen af aan het gerenomeerde MIT, ze ontwierp ook een eigen vliegtuig en ontwikkelt eigenhandig nieuwe theorieën rond de meest complexe vraagstukken in de kwantumfysica.

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Geef liefde om meer liefde te ontvangen

hart10Heel veel mensen zijn alleen maar bezig om een ander gelukkig te maken.

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Michael Roads (aanbevolen)

michael roadsMichael Roads talking about: "Let Go of Your Story and dancing with Love!"

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ELDER MOUNTAIN Shaman my Grandmother

kleuren jonge vrouwI dedicate this dreaming to we most powerful ancient Shamans of Mother Earth - "The Dreamers"  ... Women who rare, precious and powerful, we serve mother earth first, not humans. Slayers of Demons, Skinwalkers, Vampires, Werewolves, Djinns, and every other form of human shadows up from the underworld. We returned for the shift, you would never recognize or know if you met us on the street. We like it that way.

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The Choice

intenties2Each of us has a choice to make each and every moment: a choice between love and fear. Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, Neuroanatomist Jill Bolte Taylor, Jim Carrey, and the late comedians George Carlin and Bill Hicks share an experience that will take you on a journey through space, both inner and outer.

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Hond kijkt en luistert om emoties van mensen te herkennen

hond1Wetenschappers tonen aan dat honden informatie afkomstig van diverse zintuigen gebruiken om de emoties van mensen te herkennen.

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Neuroscientist Describes Her DMT Trip

kleuren jonge vrouw1Neuroscientist Dr. Michele Ross is a former drug researcher for the National Institute on Drug Abuse, turned medical marijuana and psychedelics advocate. Dr. Ross says she sought out non-neurotoxic, nonaddictive DMT to help her heal from trauma.  In this clip, Dr. Ross describes her DMT trip in detail.

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