Take Back Your Power

aardbol4Take a journey of revelation, examining evidence of in-home privacy invasions, systemic over-billing, extortion, health & environmental harm, fires and unprecedented hacking vulnerability. And be inspired by emerging solutions.

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What they don't want you to know, George Carlin

ogen4What they don't want you to know,| George Carlin

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David Wilcock Knows the Secret of What Aliens Want From Earth

ufoDavid explains how human ETs visited Earth and told us Ascension would be attainable in the near future, thanks to a natural cycle.

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Vaxx, the movie

vaccinatieIn deze docu wordt een alarmerende misleiding onthuld die heeft bijgedragen aan de torenhoge toename van autisme wereldwijd en mogelijk een van de meest catastrofale epidemieën van dit moment.

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Time Travel - Science Documentary

timetravelTime Travel - Science Documentary

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Osho onder vuur in film ‘Wild Wild Country’

osho1Nu was het imago van de bekende Indiase leraar Osho – ook bekend als Bhagwan – al wat complex door zijn 93 Rolls-Royces, maar na de vertoning van de zesdelige Netflix-serie Wild Wild Country is deze kijk achter de schermen ronduit ontluisterend voor de goeroe, zijn crew en volgelingen.

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Q - The Plan To Save The World

aardbol4Q - The Plan To Save The World

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Sardinia Giants - cover ups always and everywhere

godTimothy Alberino explains that these "tombs" were not built to house giant bodies within them, but were built over where the giants were buried in the ground.

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Two ‘Alien’ Beings Can Be Seen Inside A UFO

ufoThis is the first time we’ve seen media ‘owned by the establishment’ present the UFO topic in a credible way, which is peculiar for multiple reasons.

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