Voor wie nog steeds in het sprookje Keshe gelooft...

futureZelfbenoemd nuclair ingenieur Mehran Keshe is twee jaar geleden door de rechter in Kortrijk tot 18 maanden veroordeeld. En nog steeds geloven mensen dat hij oprecht is. 




As announced in our previous posts, Mehran Tavakoli Keshe and his wife Caroline Keshe were convicted on August 7, 2017 by the Criminal Court of Kortrijk (Belgium) for medical fraud and illegal medical practices. Since Kortrijk is part of the Flanders region, the language there is Dutch (Flemish).

Since I was part “civil” victim, I received an official copy of the full text of the conviction from the Court services. I would like to share this document with you, as this court sentence is public information that can be published and distributed on the Internet. In this document we have “covered” (anonymized) the names of the victims of the crimes of Mehran Tavakoli Keshe and his wife Caroline De Roose.

In this court sentence, the Judge explained his decisions in detail, based on police investigations. An impressive example is the one about ANNA, the Belgian woman in coma. We posted about this case already before. From the police investigation – explained in the court sentence – we learn that Mehran Keshe played a very dirty game with the mother of ANNA. Here is the part of the sentence that mentions ANNA.

coma anna

“Mrs XXX (mother of Anna) haar dochter werd comapatient naar aanleiding van een verkeersongeval; Via internet zocht de moeder in october 2009 lotgenoten, maarwerd gecontacteerd door tweede beklaagde (Caroline De Roose) die een behandeling door haar echtgenoot voorstelde; gezien de uitzichtloze situatie van haar dochter, stemde zij toe in een behandeling; Eerste beklaagde (Mehran Keshe) bezocht haar dochter enkele keren in het ziekenhuis; Eerste beklaagde manipuleerde haar lichaam; zij moest lucht inademen doorheen bepaalde apparatuur; Hij verweet de moeder dat zij negatieve energie uitstraalde en het wakker worden van haar dochter belette; Zij mocht niet meer in de buurt komen van Anna. Nadien beweerde Mehran Keshe dat Anna zelf koppig weigerde wakker te worden; Uiteindelijk wilde Mehran Keshe Anna vast voedsel toedienen, hoewel hij zelf had gezegd dat dit voor een comapatient zeer gevaarlijk was. Op 13 february 2010 belde Mehran Keshe met de mededeling dat Anna wakker was geworden; De kinesist die was gearriveerd mocht de kamer niet binnen; Hij merkte echter dat de toestand van Anna zorgwekkend en kritiek was; Haar aangezicht was bloedrood en zij had stuipen; Mehran Keshe hield vol dat er niets aan de hand was; De kinesist belde toch de huisarts, die besliste tot een spoedopname; nadien bleek dat een brok vast voedsel in haar longen was gekomen. Zonder hospitalisatie was zij gestorven (stuk 289); Hierna werd de behandeling stopgezet; Nadien werd aan de moeder door Mehran Keshe en Caroline De Roose gezegd dat Anna nog steeds kon wakker gemaakt worden mits betaling, doch daar werd niet meer op ingegaan (tenlastelegging B3);”


“Mrs XXX’s (mother of Anna) daughter became a coma patient through a traffic accident; Via the internet, the mother sought fellow parents in October 2009, but was contacted by the second convict (Caroline De Roose), who proposed a treatment by her husband; given her daughter’s hopeless situation, she agreed to a treatment; The first convict (Mehran Keshe) visited her daughter Anna a few times in the hospital; The first convict manipulated her body; she had to breathe air through certain equipment; He blamed Anna’s mother of radiating negative energy, which allegedly prevented her daughter from waking up; She was not supposed to get closer to Anna.
Afterwards, Mehran Keshe claimed that Anna herself stubbornly refused to wake up; In the end, Mehran Keshe wanted to feed fast food to Anna, although he himself said that this was a very dangerous hazard for a coma patient.
On February 13, 2010, Mehran Keshe announced that Anna had woken up; The kinesiologist who had arrived could not enter the room; He noticed, however, that Anna’s condition was worrying and critical; Her face was very reddish and she had convulsions; Mehran Keshe said nothing was wrong, However, the kinesiologist called the Medical Doctor who decided it was time for an emergency hospitalisation; Afterwards it turned out that a bunch of solid food had entered into her lungs. Without hospitalisation she would have died (Doc. 289); After these events the treatment was discontinued; Afterwards, the mother was told by Mehran Keshe and Caroline De Roose that Anna could still be woken up, but only after payment, but the treatment was not continued (charge B3);”

This shows that Mehran Keshe misjudged the situation of Anna having convulsions as not dangerous, although without hospitalisation she would have died (Doc. 289)

Anna Keshe coma treatment

Click here to download the official conviction of Mehran Tavakoli Keshe and Carolina

Maria Noëlla De Roose (in Dutch/Flemish language).

Addendum November 19, 2017:

“The Keshe Foundation Research And Development in Hoeilaart (Vlaams-Brabant) was declared bankrupt by the court in Brussel on 07-11-2017. The company number is 846809307. The (main) activity of The Keshe Foundation Research And Development is education.” (Source)

The following image shows the structure of Keshe’s companies in Belgium.



Meer weten? https://keshefacts.wordpress.com/
