Wat zijn lichtbollen en orbs?

orbsVeel mensen leggen bij het maken van foto’s cirkelvormige witte, of doorzichtige vlekjes vast. Dit worden lichtbollen – in het Engels orbs – genoemd. In sommige gevallen betreft het kleine stof- of sneeuwdeeltjes, waar het licht van de flitser op weerkaatst. Er zijn ook mensen die menen een geest te hebben gefotografeerd.

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We Are From the Future

goddelijk licht"Greetings. We are from the future. Everything is going to be alright. The future is a beautiful place. But you will need some training in order to get there..." More:

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We Are All One - An Inspiring Short Film

we are all oneThis incredible short film shares an Indigenous Native American Prophecy that links all of life and the future of our planet.

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PLEIADIAN PROPHECY - The Great Change over 2013 - 2027

pleiaden1The Pleiadians predict the future from 2013 to 2027, channeled by Barbara Marciniak 03/17/13.

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Michael Newton - Past Life Therapy Journey

bde4Science and spirituality have split the public`s opinions on the matter of reincarnation. The two sides are evident; science proponents believe biological death to be the absolute end of our human experience, whereas spiritualists believe that our bodies are physical vessels for an eternal energetic aspect of our consciousness called the soul, which implants itself into a new body after the previous body has died.

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25 Spiritual Lessons

let there be lightThere are many lessons we can learn during the course of our lives that can help us overcome our problems and live in contentment.

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Tolec speaks about Time & the 4D Transformation

tijdThis Tolec report is based on extensive explanations of the nature of "time" as shared with me by my Andromeda Council contacts regarding -"time" itself, various possible timelines, how timelines are affected, the current transition & changes happening to this planet right now, the triggering of events... as well as the coming 4D, higher dimensional transformation of this world and its people.

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Vibration- 21 Ways to Raise Your Vibration

vreugdeYour vibration, or the pattern of your thoughts, attitudes and actions, is what creates your reality. If you want to change what you experience then you need to change your vibration. There are a million ways to do this but here are just a few:

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Bijzondere bijna doodervaring

hiernamaalsAn Ohio man is claiming that he traveled to heaven and back again during a recent near-death experience.  Brian Miller, 41, was hospitalized after suffering a major heart attack. While he was doing well at first, his heart eventually went into a deadly arrhythmia called Ventricular fibrillation, described by the Mayo Clinic as "a ... rhythm problem that occurs when the heart beats with rapid, erratic electrical impulses."

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Joanna Macy on The Great Turning

message of hopeEco-filosoof Joanna Macy, auteur van "The Work That opnieuw verbinding", spreekt hier over het concept van een Grote Ommekeer.We hadden de agrarische revolutie.

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