Reincarnation and Atlantis with Andrew Bartzis
Reincarnation and Atlantis with Andrew Bartzis.
Reincarnation and Atlantis with Andrew Bartzis.
I read my first personal development book in 2007 and that book also happened to be the first book I ever read in English, up until that moment. And then, in 2008, something amazing happened, I found The Alchemist and that’s when I fell in love with Paulo Coelho’s work.
Uit ons archief en exclusief voor de Lezing van Paul Ferrini (2012) over de Sleutels tot het Koninkrijk. Met Nederlandse vertaling van tolk Chandra Moonen.
Deze eerste reeks delen gaan over 'het kwaad' en is integraal geplaatst. Laat je door de titel niet afschrikken want is dit een razend interessante lezing gebaseerd op de Kabbala, de Taal van God, door Joris de Brant. Uit ons archief en exclusief voor de Goed Nieuwskrant.
We have all heard about the tunnel of light that our soul follows upon leaving the physical body, but what is the true meaning of the life review? Why does a life review almost always involve having us continuously looping back into this 3rd dimensional reality, and what can we do to stop these cycles of reincarnation?
Als je in deze tijd al zover bent dat je van jezelf kunt zeggen dat je in je kracht staat, kan het soms zomaar ineens weer mis gaan.
Mention the word sex and eyes widen and ears perk up. The strong reaction the subject arouses reflects the spicy nature of sexual energy.
There appears to be much conflict, suffering and violence occurring in the world at the moment. While propaganda plays a part in geopolitics and government agendas and as corporations pit humanity and the environment against the economy, we have to question, what is the purpose and end game of creating such suffering and degradation?
Dit is weer zo'n pareltje van Eckhart Tolle.
This is a beautiful example of how Andrew does his amazing readings. Reading Veronica Keen.