When Spiritual Awakening Begins? (You See Things…)
What was your spiritual awakening like? Do you remember the differences in your life before your spiritual awakening began? How has your spiritual path since becoming spiritually awakened?
What was your spiritual awakening like? Do you remember the differences in your life before your spiritual awakening began? How has your spiritual path since becoming spiritually awakened?
Nicole Bordeleau shares with us in english her tools to reinvent yourself and your life. Nicole is from Quebec. She is an author and speaker that speak with passion and purpose. Interview met Lilou Marce.
Lezing gebaseerd op 'Een Cursus in Wonderen'. met Els Thissen. Opgenomen op 5 juni 2016 in Amersfoort voor Miracles in Contact.
Do we create our own reality? As human beings we all co-create the aggregate of our experiences, your outer world is largely a reflection of your inner world. You are the co-creator of your reality. You are not the entirety of your reality, this isn’t solipsism, at the same time you’re not at the mercy of a deterministic world with no free will. You co-create it, which means you have a lot of Power to influence it.
Interview met Lilou Marce. Mikael King serves via Sacred Sound Sessions, BreathLight Experiences, MU Starz Jewelry Designs, Documentary Films, and Heart Awakening.
De nieuwste video van Matt Kahn. Matt's spontaneous awakening arose out of an out-of-body experience at the age of 8, and his direct experiences with ascended masters and archangels throughout his life. Many spiritual seekers have experienced amazing, unexplainable healings, and have awakened to their true nature through his profound and loving teachings and his transmission of sacred heart wisdom.
Enige tijd geleden voelde ik me sterk naar mijn piano toegetrokken. Bij de piano lag Een Cursus in Wonderen* open op een bladzijde van het werkboek en binnen een half uur had ik ineens een nummer geschreven met tekst enkel afkomstig van de Cursus. De volgende dag gebeurde precies hetzelfde en zo had ik ineens binnen twee weken 16 nummers, met teksten allemaal afkomstig van een Cursus in Wonderen.
De vernieuwde versie van Louis Hay: You can heal your life, voor vele was dit ooit de Bijbel in de jaren 90.
Hoe ga je ermee om als dingen niet volgens jouw plan verlopen? Je voelt onvrede, maar kun je ook vrede hebben met je onvrede? Kun je vrede hebben met jezelf? Het gaat om houden van jezelf. En natuurlijk wordt hierbij de belangrijke werkboekles 5 betrokken: Ik voel nooit onvrede om de reden die ik denk.
Have you always wanted to learn to meditate? Have you tried to create a meditative practice only to quit over and over again? Davidji shows you it doesn’t take his 20 years of experience in meditation to get its advantages now. You can start today and begin making more conscious choices, have better relationships, more peace of mind and greater fulfillment.