National Cancer Institute Quietly Confirms Cannabis Can Cure Cancer

wiet.1140 jpgApparently the left hand of this government doesn’t know what the right hand is doing, or more likely doesn’t want to know. With the easy prey of grabbing marijuana users in most states and locking them up in prisons for cheap labor while destroying families, there’s little motivation to curb that racket by dropping marijuana out of its DEA Schedule 1 Controlled Substance rating.

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Hou krijg je witte tanden?

tanden3Hoe krijg je witte tanden, heel eenvoudig met deze tip.

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Breakthrough Healing Treatments

oog aardbol1140Thrive is working together with Rythmia, a medically-licensed healing resort in Costa Rica, to explore using the umbrella of their world-class center to help bring new breakthrough healing remedies to the world. Their partnership saves us time, money and trouble, which translates into a shorter lead time before we can get these treatments out to the world.

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Louis Theroux: A Different Brain BBC Documentary

brein1Louis takes a look at the issues that some of the estimated one million people in the UK living with the long-term effects of a brain injury have to deal with.Louis spends time with staff and service users at the Brain Injury Rehabilitation Trust, one of the UK's largest providers of neuro-behavioural rehabilitation, in an effort to understand how individuals and their families come to terms with this life-changing condition.

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Heal Yourself: Mind Over Medicine, Lissa Rankin

kwantum1For years, Lissa Rankin, M.D., believed the same. But when her own health started to suffer, and she turned to Western medical treatments, she found that they not only failed to help; they made her worse. So she decided to take matters into her own hands.

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Tomaten als remedie voor spataderen

tomatenTomaat staat bekend als een remedie voor spataderen. Om deze kuur te maken, zul je zowel groene als rode rijpe tomaten nodig hebben.

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Each Tooth Is Associated With Organ In The Body!

tandenEven the slightest damage to the tooth is a problem in an equivalent organ in the body. The upper and lower incisors (first and second) reflect the state of the kidneys, bladder,ears and canine teeth – of the liver and gall bladder.

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Tips om lekker te slapen

seksIk heb moeite met slapen. Ik zal nooit een van die mensen zijn die kan opscheppen met de vaardigheid overal te kunnen slapen, op elk moment.

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Mensen met veel vrienden hebben een hogere pijngrens

vrienden2Pijn? Dan ben je wellicht beter af met een grote vriendenkring dan met morfine, zo suggereert nieuw onderzoek.

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Drankje die het PH niveau in 5 dagen in balans brengt

citroenEen zeer zuur dieet stimuleert gist en schimmel groei in uw lichaam. Bovendien veroorzaakt het brandend maagzuur en andere zure oprispingen. het vermogen van het lichaam om te ontgiften van zware metalen en de reparatie van cellen wordt aangetast, waardoor u meer vatbaar bent voor ziekten.

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