The Power of Union is Strength

dieren cartoonThree interesting advertisement illustrating the Power of Union is Strength

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Cold Fusion – Another Clean Energy Breakthrough That Could Change Our World

bloemen17Cold fusion is a certain type of nuclear reaction that occurs at or near room temperature. In years past, it was studied as theoretical and hypothetical, but scientists all over the world have attested to the possibility, and possible reality of cold fusion and the tremendous implications it can have for  clean energy generation. It is a form of energy generated when hydrogen interacts with various metals like nickel and palladium. It has been subject to a large amount of criticism and opposition.

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Wonderkind Bobby Fisher

bobby fisherBobby Fischer werd in 1943 geboren in Chicago. Zijn moeder, Regina Wender Fischer, was een Amerikaanse burger van Pools-Russisch joodse afkomst.

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A Boy and His Dog

boy and a dogLast year we made this film as part of our documentary filmmaking course at the University of Hertfordshire. We managed to find this special family and document an incredible few months of their lives. We made this film to not only tell the families story, but to raise awareness of Schwartz Jampel Syndrome and to show how incredible rescue dogs are. A little bit of love can go a hell of a long way.

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We kunnen elkaar helpen...

oog aardbolAl een tijd ben ik op zoek naar initiatieven die mensen spullen en talenten laten delen zonder de tussenkomst van geld.

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How Fiction Makes Our Brains Better

brein1Merriam-Webster declared 'science' the 2013 word of the year. But can reading something other than data and facts, say a work of fiction, help improve brain function? Anthony explains the many possible benefits that reading a fictitious book can have on the brain.

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Master Of The Universe Stephen Hawking Episode

universeMust see video. Hawking is het bekendst vanwege zijn werk op het gebied van zwarte gaten en singulariteiten in de kosmologie.

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Spirit Science, leuk en leerzaam

spirit scienceAltijd leuk en leerzaam.

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bjorkOm nog even in de Valentijnsstemming te blijven, Bjork...

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The secret to life is to love

zwerver liefdeThe secret to life is to love and to live life through our loving hearts. Love is the key to happiness and everlasting life

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