Is the World an Illusion?

kleuren droomA woman asks for clarification with respect to creation and non-causality, Rupert Spira

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De Stam van de Holebeer (nieuwsbrief)

kleur vrouw11Wanneer komt er weer een nieuwsbrief? Sorry, ik heb even geen tijd. Ik ben bezig met de serie: ‘De Stam van de Holebeer.’ De eerste keer dat ik het las was vijfentwintig jaar geleden.

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Meeting My Future Self - Time Travel Experiences

timeTime shifts are reality shifts in which the dimension of reality we know as "time" undergoes some kind of observable transformation.

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Pas verschenen, verhalenprentenboek 'Mama Mia'

boek mama miaEen fantastisch mooi verhalenprentenboek van Judith Knip en Pauline Meijer, voor alle mensenkinderen.

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The Mothers of Chico Xavier - full movie

kleuren hart8The Mothers of Chico Xavier (As Mães de Chico Xavier) - full movie - English subtitles. Prachtige film.

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"THE 1%" ARE DOING THIS EVERYDAY | Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

brain1"THE 1%" ARE DOING THIS EVERYDAY | Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

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The Akashic Records: A Source of Unlimited Knowledge

buitenaardsAccording to the late Edgar Cayce, the Akashic Records can be seen as the universe’s supercomputer, a central storage facility of all information. Collectively, thе Akаѕhiс Rесоrdѕ are a field оf еnеrgу that holds thе раѕt, present, аnd future knоwlеdgе of аll thingѕ, and it mаnifеѕtѕ еvеrуwhеrе at оnсе.

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Sujith Ravindran - Full interview

hart11Prachtig interview met Sujith Ravindran voor het nondualiteit kanaal van Patrick Kicken.

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A spontaneous meeting with MOOJI, Portugal

kleuren hartPatrick Kicken in gesprek met Mooji

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Netherlands Infinity in Absolute Abundance retreat - Bentinho Massaro

Bentinho Massaro1Netherlands Infinity in Absolute Abundance retreat - Bentinho Massaro

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