Decoding The Past - The Other Nostradamus

universum7Edgar Caye. Could the future already be written?

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Obama talks Area 51, UFOs and aliens with Jimmy Kimmel

ob3President Obama appeared as a guest on Jimmy Kimmel Live, and just as he had done with President Clinton, Kimmel asked Obama if he looked into Area 51 and UFOs.

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Every Person Who Feels 'Awake' Needs to Watch this Video

oog aardbolThis video is not meant to ‘wake’ anyone up, but rather to let those who are awake know that they are not crazy.

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How the CIA made Google

geheimen(Zen Gardner | Elle) Insurge Intelligence, a new crowd-funded investigative journalism project, breaks the exclusive story of how the United States intelligence community funded, nurtured and incubated Google as part of a drive to dominate the world through control of information. Seed-funded by the NSA and CIA, Google was merely the first among a plethora of private sector start-ups co-opted by US intelligence to retain ‘information superiority.’

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Interdimensional ETs are helping ascension

ufo10Interdimensional ETs are helping with ascension

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Look Up

911This poetic short film is a reminder of the effects of social media on our society. Be sure to watch the entire video, especially the end.

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Focus op vreugde

wereld5Dit filmpje laat in vogelvlucht zien waar wij mensen mee bezig zijn. Niet dat je er blij van wordt, maar elke sprankje bewustwording brengt verandering. Focus op vreugde.

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David Wilcock: “Secret Space Program Disclosure”

david wilcockDavid Wilcock heeft een paar dagen geleden de complete Disclosure gegeven over de Secret Space Program/Geheime Ruimte Programma.

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Putin dreigt bewijs inside-job 9/11 vrij te geven

wakker wordenLaatste artikel van Irma Schiffers.

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Zuiveringszout ware vijand van de farmaceutische industrie

baking sodaKanker is een zuur, bijvoorbeeld melkzuur, dat een afvalproduct is van schimmel en leeft in omgevingen die een lage zuurstofconcentratie hebben.

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