March Energy Forecast - Lee Harris
Lee's March 2016 Energy Forecast - The Effortlessness of Higher Dimensions
Lee's March 2016 Energy Forecast - The Effortlessness of Higher Dimensions
In this Question and Answer session, Eckhart explains how unconscious people can serve as helpers to deepen your own presence.
Matt Kahn is a spiritual teacher and highly-attuned empath who, along with meditation guide and sound healer, Julie Dittmar, travel the world inviting seekers of all faiths to discover their true divine nature.
William Buhlman is an author with forty years of extensive personal out-of-body explorations that give him a unique and thought provoking insight into this subject. His first book, Adventures beyond the Body chronicles his personal journey of self-discovery through out-of-body travel, and provides the reader with the preparation and techniques that can be used for their own adventure.
Meet Bentinho Massaro. Even as a child, growing up in Holland, Bentinho Massaro had a sense of the endless possibilities within human consciousness.
Matt Kahn has created an exquisite roadmap for the soul’s evolution. This book has the power to transform the entire planet.”
Starseeds,You Were Not Afraid Before You Came Here. Full Length Message From Fongeetale.
Het is een gegeven dat we als ziel allemaal uit dezelfde bron komen. Een tweelingziel is niets meer en niets minder als een zielendeel dat zijn oorsprong heeft uit deze bron.