How To Open Your Heart Chakra - Teal Swan

hart9The traditional name for the heart chakra is Anahata. In Sanskrit, this word translates to unhurt, which is important to know because it gives you some key insight about this particular chakra. The heart chakra is the center chakra. It is located in the very center of your chest. Though all chakras are doorways for spiritual energy, it is the heart chakra that unites the physical and spiritual aspect of your embodiment. In this episode, Teal teaches us all about the heart chakra and then teaches us how to go about opening it.

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"How do we know when we are completed healed from our past?" - Bentinho Massaro

Bentinho Massaro"How do we know when we are completed healed from our past?" - Bentinho Massaro

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You are limitless, you can MANIFEST anything

hemelWe are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. One of these laws is known as the "Law Of Attraction", or the law of "Reaping and Sowing". This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to us.

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Suzanne Giesemann - Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview

kleuren lelieSuzanne Giesemann is the author of 11 books, an inspirational speaker, metaphysical teacher, and evidence-based medium. She is a messenger of hope who captivates audiences as she brings love, healing, and comfort through her work.


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Kinderen beschrijven de hemel

engel6Silas was only 4 years-old when God called him back to heaven. But, before this precious angel when home, he described to his mommy what he thought heaven was like and how excited he was to go. God bless you, angel!

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Twintig tekenen van ontwaken

tijdWe leven in een tijd dat veel mensen op de een of andere manier spiritueel bezig zijn en verlangen om te veranderen.

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When Nothing Ever Works To Feel Better - Teal Swan

ogen4When Nothing Ever Works To Feel Better - Teal Swan




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Verdwijnt God in Nederland? Mwah, dat valt mee

kleuren jezus4Eens in de zoveel tijd verschijnt er weer zo’n alarmerend rapport, dat God voor de zoveelste keer doodverklaart. Zo ook deze week, met het nieuwe ‘God in Nederland’ rapport. Ervan uitgaande dat de onderzoekspopulatie van 2100 mensen representatief is samengesteld etc, etc, kunnen we er niet omheen: kerken hebben een probleem.

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Jouw Missie op Aarde

dromen3Menig zoeker zal vandaag of morgen (of in een volgend leven) de koffers pakken om op weg te gaan naar een nieuwe wereld en een eigen Missie. Deze Missie heeft te maken met onze Goddelijke afkomst, onze bestaansgrond en bestemming op aarde, en met het belichamen van wie we in Essentie ZIJN.

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Embracing Your Humanity - Matt Kahn

dance5Matt Kahn is a spiritual teacher and highly-attuned empath who, along with meditation guide and sound healer, Julie Dittmar, travel the world inviting seekers of all faiths to discover their true divine nature.

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