Tony Robbins & Marie Forleo: What It Takes To Have an Extraordinary Life

happy5For those who don’t know, Tony Robbins is an American motivational speaker, personal finance instructor, and self-help author. He became well known from his infomercials and self-help books: Unlimited Power, Unleash the Power Within and Awaken the Giant Within. In this interview, Tony Robbins shares what it takes to have an extraordinary life, and both he and Marie Forleo become vulnerable while sharing their own struggles and recent learning curves.

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Barbara Bessen Channeling und die Verbindung zum Höheren Selbst

licht hoger zelfBarbara Bessen Channeling und die Verbindung zum Höheren Selbst.

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The Connected Universe, Nassim Haramein

universe9Through nearly 30 years of research in physics and writing multiple papers, Haramein has come to a deep understanding of the underlying mechanics of our universe, using his equations and theory to calculate the most accurate prediction of the charge radius of the proton to date.

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god4De scheiding: De mens is een samengesteld wezen.In onze kern zijn wij een goddelijke vonk en een geestelijk wezen die gedaald is in de stoffelijkheid en daarom gekleed moesten worden met verschillende lichamen die als opake sluiers functioneren.

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RELATIONSHIPS: love what is - Byron Katie

liefde5Byron Katie, founder of The Work, has one job: to teach people how to end their own suffering. As she guides people through the powerful process of inquiry she calls The Work, they find that their stressful beliefs—about life, other people, or themselves—radically shift and their lives are changed forever. Based on Byron Katie's direct experience of how suffering is created and ended, The Work is an astonishingly simple process, accessible to people of all ages and backgrounds, and requires nothing more than a pen, paper, and an open mind.

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Will Brennan - Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview

kleuren aardeWhat I share is not based on spiritual, philosophical or psychological theory alone, but on direct insight. There is an unchanging awareness of all phenomena that is not tarnished by the coming and going of temporal expressions.

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OSHO: World Is Just a Playground

osho1We are taking life mostly much too seriously. – But let's see, perhaps there is another way?

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Lilian Ferru in gesprek met Michael Roads

universum71Het was me weer een aparte week. Ik voel me fantastisch, geweldig, ik leef! Laat ik even uitleggen waarom ik jubel. Soms zijn er zo van die momenten dat alles perfect is en dat al mijn wensen worden vervuld. Ik hoef het maar denken of de kosmos gaat aan het werk.

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Minute Faith ~ Gnosticism

boekenBefore Catholicism was decreed the state religion of Rome by constantine in the 4th century AD, the empire was very diverse in its spirituality. They worshipped many gods, including Greek and Roman deities, many of which were based upon philosophical concepts like love, virtue, justice, wisdom, and time, and celestial bodies such as the planets, constellations, and even the spirit of planet earth herself.

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Alberto Villoldo, sjamaan in een moderne wereld

alberto vittoloMeer dan twintig jaar bestudeerde hij de geneeswijzen van de sjamanen. En nu hij de geheimen heeft ontsluierd, wil Alberto Villoldo ze introduceren in de westerse geneeskunst. Met als doel: genezing. Genezing van de mens. Van de ziel. Van de samenleving. Een interview met een verhalenverteller.

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