Een bijzondere dag: 7-7-2016 Opening van een Engelenpoort

engel6Deze dag is een bijzondere dag. Er komen namelijk drie zevens in de datum voor; 7-7-7(1+6). Dit geeft een versterkte uitwerking van het astrologische teken Vissen en de planeet Neptunus, die bij het getal 7 hoort. Het getal 7 is ook een heilig getal.

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Energy Update - Unconsciousness Healing & Creativity Firing

kleuren bloem3Intense times like these see us in a powerful phase of healing collective unconscious energies. Those hidden or suppressed beliefs and feelings that keep us closed and divided from ourselves, others and living a fully expressed life.

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The Arcturians, Higher Dimensional Energies Pouring Onto Earth

acturiansThe Arcturians, Higher Dimensional Energies Pouring Onto Earth.

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Abraham Hicks 5 steps to get anything you want in life

kleuren tijdAbraham Hicks 5 steps to get anything you want in life.

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The Veil of Forgetting - Bentinho Massaro

kleuren kosmos oogThe Veil of Forgetting and Bentinho's Journey - Bentinho Massaro

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When Spiritual Awakening Begins? (You See Things…)

meditatie1140What was your spiritual awakening like?  Do you remember the differences in your life before your spiritual awakening began? How has your spiritual path since becoming spiritually awakened? 


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REINVENTING YOUR LIFE - Nicole Bordeleau, Paris

ogen4Nicole Bordeleau shares with us in english her tools to reinvent yourself and your life. Nicole is from Quebec. She is an author and speaker that speak with passion and purpose. Interview met Lilou Marce.

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Els Thissen - Knollen voor citroenen

cursus in wonderenLezing  gebaseerd op 'Een Cursus in Wonderen'.  met Els Thissen. Opgenomen op 5 juni 2016 in Amersfoort voor Miracles in Contact. 

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Know Thyself - Be Happy Without Changing Anything But You

kleuren vrouw1Do we create our own reality? As human beings we all co-create the aggregate of our experiences, your outer world is largely a reflection of your inner world.  You are the co-creator of your reality. You are not the entirety of your reality, this isn’t solipsism, at the same time you’re not at the mercy of a deterministic world with no free will. You co-create it, which means you have a lot of Power to influence it.

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Why working on our shadow is essential now and HOW? - Mikael King

kleuren vrouw oogInterview met Lilou Marce. Mikael King serves via Sacred Sound Sessions, BreathLight Experiences, MU Starz Jewelry Designs, Documentary Films, and Heart Awakening.

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