Willem Glaudemans: Over Een Cursus in Wonderen en Vergeving
Willem Glaudemans: Over Een Cursus in Wonderen en Vergeving.
Willem Glaudemans: Over Een Cursus in Wonderen en Vergeving.
I share my direct experience of boundless Awareness, which is our common ground, to all beings who feel called to work with me. My spiritual path began 22 years ago with Zen and subsequently included deep engagements with Vedanta, Sufism, and Christian mysticism.
How we can each transcend the current polarities on the planet and anchor ourselves fully into Christ Consciousness.
You have the ability to create miracles and pull to you almost anything that you can visualize and make a part of your feeling state. Stuart Wilde brilliantly makes the point that creating miracles in our lives is no more complicated than understanding the metaphysics of the Universal Law.
Exposing the secret governments and preparing for ET disclosure" - featuring Dr. Steven Greer and Bentinho Massaro.
Wendy Kennedy is an intuitive, empath, and channel. For two decades she has used her gifts and abilities to work with beings in other realms and dimensions, assisting others in recognizing and releasing old patterns and helping them to live a more whole and integrated life.
On this episode of Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! 2016: Are your prayers getting past the ceiling? Robert Henderson got a revelation from God that the devil is a legalist — but there’s a game changer where you win every time. He’s ready to teach you.
Heidi staat bekend om haar liefde voor Jezus en de vele wonderen die ze verricht. This session of 2016’s Catch The Fire Conference features a message by Heidi Baker, titled “Are You Having a Good Day”. This took place on Thursday, September 29th, in the evening at Catch The Fire Church in Toronto.
Matt Kahn and Julie Dittmar are highly regarded spiritual teachers and intuitives who combine a heart-centered awareness of unity consciousness with a profound understanding of the mystical nature of reality. They offer messages and energetic transmissions to serve the awakening of humanity, and to assist you in your journey of embodying more peace, ease, and love than ever before.