Bentinho Massaro Cosmic Contact

et healingBentinho Massaro Cosmic Contact

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Eén met je ware zelf

hart10Veel Lichtwerkers voelen zich momenteel alleen of overbodig. Als er veel uit de oude ‘vertrouwde’ wereld is weggevallen of achtergelaten, kun je in een behoorlijke leegte en eenzaamheid terecht komen. Bepaalde contacten en levensomstandigheden heb je bewust, of noodgedwongen achter je gelaten.

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Tweeduizend jaar oude tabletten werpen nieuw licht op Jezus

kleuren jezusEen boek met loden pagina’s dat acht jaar geleden werd gevonden in Jordanië, zou weleens de eerste schriftelijke vermelding van Jezus kunnen bevatten. 

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Why working on our shadow is essential now and HOW? - Mikael King

bijgeloofOver eighteen years ago, Mikael awakened to the enlightened heart sovereign path when he returned from a "near life ending, eternal review" Pacific ocean drowning experience. The divine message received was simple, "Serve Planet Earth by assisting Humanity to consciously shift, embody their fullest potential, and remember who they really are & why they have incarnated."


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Evette Rose on Healing Trauma and How She Healed Herself

kleuren vleugelsAs an Author, Life Coach, Trauma Release Practitioner and Personal Development Teacher Evette Rose strives to support people in their healing journeys.



The Inca Shamanic Prophecy and Our Way Back To Our Hearts

kleuren hart6Swedish Jeanette Mantel's spiritual journey began in 2001 when she embarked on an eight week journey to Peru to seek answers.This journey was a beginning of a whole new path that took her to the international organization The Four Winds Society, where she was trained in shamanic energy medicine, a wisdom tradition of the Andes and the Amazon in Peru.

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Eckhart Tolle Events 2016 - A Course In Miracles

Cursus in WonderenEckhart Tolle Events 2016 - A Course In Miracles

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Een pleidooi voor kwetsbaarheid

wonderland1Zou jij geld overmaken aan een wildvreemde, in de hoop dat die een treinkaartje voor je koopt? Als je niets meer weet van die persoon dan zijn schermnaam?

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Working with emotions! Transforming your life through Inca Wisdom

ogen4Annika is a Swedish urban shaman who's vision is to build bridges between the Inca Shamanism teachings and the urban culture in the West. For Annika, her life completely transformed after opening herself to the Wisdom of the Inca Shamanism way.

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Enlightenment Study Course

vriendschap jongen en meisjeBentinho’s teachings contain the essence of all major spiritual paths but remain focused on what works and ignore what does not. If you want the deepest possible realizations, the most comprehensive tools to live a life of true fulfillment, and you'd like to master all this in the shortest amount of time humanly possible, you've come to the right place. Bentinho's work ensures that you won't waste any time getting to your desired state of being.

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