Deepak Chopra and Cassandra Vieten

deepakDeepak jumps right to the end of his book, describing how the universe is a human construct, how this affects our understanding of consciousness, and why it is crucial to our species and the planet that we update our scientific perspectives to include an accurate understanding of consciousness.

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June Energy Update - Karmic Relationships; Right Here, Right Now….

helende wilskrachtLee Harris,June Energy Update - Karmic Relationships; Right Here, Right Now…

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Koos Janson - Angst projecteert en Liefde breidt zich uit

koos jansonFragment uit de lezing 'Angst projecteert en Liefde breidt zich uit' door Koos Janson tijdens een bijeenkomst van 'Miracles in Contact', Amersfoort, maart 2016.

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Bentinho Massaro1Expect intense reflections, try watching with an open, aware mind. This is the longest conversation we have ever done with Bentinho Massaro in his home in Boulder.

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Self-Realization School: Season 1

eenheid2Bentinho just moved to Sedona to start the Self Realization School. Season one has just begun. This is the first session.

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The Biggest Shift Ever On the Planet is Happening NOW

kleuren vleugelsThe following is an inspiring message by Leda from Enlightening Media. I don't generally post content like this, but as an experiment, I'm curious to see what this stirs up within you.

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The Karmic Return - Matt Kahn

kleuren meisjeDe nieuwste teaching van Matt Kahn

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The Essence of Forgiveness - Matt Kahn

hart11Matt Kahn and Julie Dittmar are highly regarded spiritual teachers and intuitives who combine a heart-centered awareness of unity consciousness with a profound understanding of the mystical nature of reality.

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Does The Mandela Effect Prove Parallel Universes?

matrixm13When Nelson Mandela died, a significant minority of people remembered he died many years ago. The phenomenon where a group of people remember something that history says never happened is known as the Mandela Effect. Yet this isn't a simple case of people being wrong - it's may be a result of something much more surprising!

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Interview with Santos Bonacci

let there be lightSantos Bonacci shares the truth about the bible.

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