Dr. Joe Dispenza - Downloads through your fingers?

helende wilskrachtQuestion: Can you have downloads through your fingertips?  Recorded at the Sardinia Week Long Advanced Retreat, April 2018.

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Interview Gary en Cindy Renard

gary renardPatrick Kicken zocht Gary en Cindy Renard op in hun hotelkamer in Utrecht en dat leverde twee mooie, openhartige gesprekken op over 'Een Cursus in Wonderen.

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Guardian Angels and Mysterious Light Beings Caught on Camera

engel5Guardian Angels and God’s Messengers perform miracles and protect his children.

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Sacred Path, Sacred Union ~Divine Union Purpose & Mission

licht22Sacred/Divine Union of twinsouls on the Sacred Path is so much more than just about romance. As a Soul group/soul family, we as twinsouls have a unique soul blueprint purpose and mission. Within this webinar, Nenari will speak of what this Divine Union Purpose and Mission is.

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You ARE Source - Bentinho Massaro

blauwe sterRecommended that you watch this session from start to finish as one, long, powerful guided meditation that will create a state change for the rest of your life. Set some time apart and commit to this guided experiential realization.

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Jared Bull on His Kundalini Awakening

kleuren bolJared’s story is unique in that he joined the Marine Corps when he was 18 years old and deployed to Afghanistan twice seeing intense combat. That experience brought him to confront death and his mortality, which ignited his soul on a search for healing, meaning, and fulfillment.

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Exclusief, fragment boek: Matt Kahn 'Liefde is altijd het antwoord'

kleuren bloem4Ecxlusief voor degoednieuwskrant.nl een fragment uit het eerste Nederlands vertaalde boek van Matt Kahn: 'Liefde is altijd het antwoord'. Uitgever: www.hajefa.nl

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Joris de Brant: 'Tocht door de Kosmos', nu met deel 2


ontwakenUit ons archief. Voormalig generaal Joris de Brant weet moeiteloos de verborgen wijsheden en de diepere lagen van Kabbala te onthullen. In dit eerste deel vertelt Joris het verhaal van GoHaLaze, dat symbool staat voor onze ‘Tocht door de Kosmos’.

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To See the Whole, You Have to Become Nothing

kleuren vlinderIn this profound Satsang excerpt, Moojibaba leads us through the power of self-inquiry to clarify our true position. Discover yourself as the ultimate witness, who is not disturbed by any of the things perceived.

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Staying Present, Eckhart Tolle

kleuren kleurenStaying present is an ongoing practice, explains Eckhart, which can be supported in ways that include following the breath, becoming aware of sensations in the body, and by cultivating "the Observer."

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