2025 is the END of 26,000-YEAR CYCLE


astrologieTop Astrologer REVEALS Rare Cosmic Shift NOW! | Rick Levine



Rick Levine emphasizes the importance of astrology as a tool for understanding these changes and making connections, while also reflecting on its historical significance in Western thought. The conversation delves into the interplay between quantum physics and astrology, the role of the astrologer in society, and the potential for astrology to act as an agent of social change. In this interview, Rick Levine explores the complexities of astrology and its relevance in today's world.

He discusses the metaphor of a 'Hall of Mirrors' to describe the current state of confusion and misinformation, emphasizing the importance of finding one's internal still point. He concludes with a call for increased awareness as we navigate the future, suggesting that our collective consciousness shapes the reality we create. Rick Levine is an active voice in the global astrology community. Every month, tens of thousands of astrology students from around the world view his teachings.