The Illusion of Time and Space: Consciousness is Not Part of the Brain
Our experience of linear time is a perceptual illusion created by consciousness. In fact, so is "space.
Our experience of linear time is a perceptual illusion created by consciousness. In fact, so is "space.
Good news, coffee addicts everywhere – that cup of joe you drink every morning before work doesn’t just wake you up; it may help increase your lifespan, too!
You act differently; you think as part of a team, not as an individual making your way through the world. You’ll be more understanding and accepting of your partner, instead of just getting frustrated with them like you may have with past relationships.
For the past 25 years, psychology professor Lisa Feldman Barrett has mapped facial expressions, scanned brains and analyzed hundreds of physiology studies to understand what emotions really are.
At the very cutting edge of science and spirituality lies a simple experiment that proves how much power intentions have on the physical world.
Victor da Ponte is a spiritual healer and teacher who has created a method he calls Mindflex™. Mindflex is a simple system for releasing your deepest blocks and limitations with unprecedented speed.
De Ronnie Gardiner Methode (RGM) is een vrolijke, gestructureerde, multi-sensorische oefenmethode voor de hersenen, waarbij ritme en muziek worden ingezet om beweging, spraak en cognitie te stimuleren. Doordat er meerdere hersengebieden tegelijkertijd geactiveerd worden (o.a. zien, horen, motoriek, spraak, geheugen) is het een enorm sterke manier om de conditie van de hersenen te verbeteren.
Humor en lachen zorgen voor wat licht tijdens intense situaties. Maar in veel situaties wordt het niet als iets goeds gezien om te lachen.
“Geluk is de zin en het doel van het leven, de bestemming van het menselijke bestaan.”
Wetenschappers genezen kanker, maar niemand heeft interesse!