The Biggest Disease Affecting Humanity: 'I’m Not Enough'

kleuren vlinderThe Biggest Disease Affecting Humanity: “I’m Not Enough", Marisa Peer

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CANCER & STRESS - Bruce Lipton

happy5Er bestaan geen genen die kanker veroorzaken, alleen stress. Vreugde geneest, stress maakt ziek.

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Tips om los te laten wat anderen van je vinden

kinderen gelukkig 1140Tips om los te laten wat anderen van je vinden

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Optimising Human Health in the 21st Century

kleuren meisjeOptimising Human Health in the 21st Century, Jason Prall

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Oorsuizen en tinnitus: ben je bereid om écht te luisteren?

projectieOorsuizen en tinnitus: ben je bereid om écht te luisteren?

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Sardinia - The secret of longevity?

kleuren zonSardinians' apparent ability to stay healthy well into their old age remains a mystery.

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Cannabis: Separating the Science from the Hype

j.wietCannabis: Separating the Science from the Hype, Mara Gordon

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Wanneer stop jij met pleasen?

blinde liefdeHet is geweldig om lief te hebben en om mensen te geven, maar als je je verantwoordelijk voelt voor hen, maakt dat je machteloos.

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Your Cells are Listening to Every Thought

brein1Each thought you have has its own consciousness. Within each thought lives an electromagnetic field of possibilities.

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THE CAUSE OF ILLNESS explained by Hans Wilhelm

balansTHE CAUSE OF ILLNESS explained by Hans Wilhelm

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