From Depression to Falling in Love with Life - Anja Steensig


kleuren bloemenFrom Depression to Falling in Love with Life - Anja Steensig



The Danish spiritual leader, mentor and author Anja Steensig has fallen in love with life and is passionate about cultivating and igniting divine love in the world. She used to be one of the best known TV and radio personalities in Denmark for more than a decade, until she left that world to follow her soul's calling. Anja fell into a heavy depression around ten years ago, and it opened her heart wide open. She’s spent the last decade getting to know this place inside of herself and to teach others how to connect with it. She says it completely changes everything, when you understand how loved you are. Anja has worked on herself and her own shadows for more than ten years and has had many spiritual experiences that has led her to easily access the loving state she currently lives in. In this interview we learn that love is in everything and that it is anything that moves our hearts. It can be the smallest thing. As long as you feel moved or touched, what you’re feeling is love. When you make the choice to see the love around you you’ll be able to see it in everyone and everywhere. It is truly an amazing state to fall in love with life! Please enjoy this heartwarming interview with Anja Steensig! Want to learn how to open up to love and fall in love with life?