These Are Arnold Schwarzenegger's 5 Rules for Success


adelaarArnold Schwarzenegger did not become a world-famous bodybuilder, Hollywood actor, best-selling author and politician overnight – he had to work hard and overcome hundreds of obstacles so he could be where he is today. All of these factors have taught him many things about happiness and fulfillment, but he has five key rules for anyone who wants to find success, no matter what they do.


Notable Excerpt: “If you don’t have a goal, if you don’t have a vision, you’re just going to drift around – you’re not going to be happy. I grew up after the second World War and in Austria … there was, of course, depression, there was a terrible economic situation, and I wanted to get out of there. I wanted to escape. And luckily, one day in school, I watched a documentary about America. I knew that that was exactly where I wanted to end up. The question was just ‘how do I get there?’ … No one had the money to travel or anything, but one day I was fortunate enough to see a bodybuilding magazine. And on the cover was this very muscular guy, Mr. Universe … I read the article as fast as I could. I learned about how the guy grew up [poor] in Leeds, England and how he trained five hours a day every single day and then he became Mr. Great Britain. And then he became Mr. Universe … and as I read, I became more and more certain – I had that vision very clearly laid out: to be a champion and stand on the same stage where he won the Mr. Universe title. And then move to America and get into movies. From that moment on, everything that I did, no matter how hard I had to work or how much I had to struggle, it didn’t matter, because I knew what the purpose was and I found my passion. Always discover your vision and the rest will follow.”