Studies that Show How Consciousness Affects Reality


ogen6There was a time, not so long ago, when scientists thought that the material universe was indeed the only reality – it was constructed of random pieces of matter with no order; in other words, “what you see is what you get.” This “common knowledge” was upended when physicists discovered that everything in the universe exists because of energy.


Atoms are the smallest unit of matter. Every kind of matter – gas, liquid, and solid – is made up of atoms. These atoms are the building block of the universe. When in balance, the atom’s nucleus is made from an equal number of particles – protons and neutrons. The atom’s nucleus is circled by electrons, which orbits the nucleus in an oval-like pattern. These tiny particles are able to maintain their balance because of energy. Albert Einstein and Max Planck devoted much of their work towards this discovery.

We are made up of a countless number of atoms. As a result, we are energy-creating beings by default. It is our belief, along with many others, that energy stems from consciousness. And that this consciousness is connected with the material world.

Here are 8 scientific studies demonstrating the interconnectedness with consciousness and the material universe.

The Placebo Effect

In a study at the Baylor School of Medicine, surgical options were sought for patients with debilitating knee pain. Patients were divided into three groups – one group had the damaged cartilage shaved from their knee, the second group had the damaged tissue flushed from the knee joint, and the last group was sedated, had salt water splashed into their knee, and told that invasive surgery had been performed when it in fact hadn’t. Amazingly, the group that received no surgery improved as much as those that had.

This is just one example of many on how we can consciously affect the biology of our bodies. The placebo effect is having a significant impact on the medical community while disrupting the industries that rely on product revenue, specifically the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry.

The heart and electromagnetic experiments

The most prolific electromagnetic forces in the human body occur in and around the heart. Using spectral analysis, researchers discovered encoded emotional information embedded in the electromagnetic field surrounding the heart.

When emotions shift, this encoded information changes. As a result, scientists continue to study the ramifications of such a profound discovery – including how this powerful force is felt and interpreted by those around us; specifically, how emotions such as compassion, empathy, love and understanding can be used to make positive changes in us and others.

Princeton’s intention and desire experiment

In a series of experiments done at Princeton University, researchers assembled about 300 people. The 300 participants then observed a computer screen which alternately showed one of two images – an astronaut or a leopard.

The beginning of the experiment involved the transition of the images on the screen at random and at various time intervals. Then, the researchers inquired to the audience what image was preferable, to which most responded the astronaut. After which, they were instructed to concentrate only on seeing the astronaut.

The images continued to be random for a short time after these instructions were given. Then, the image of the astronaut was the only one that appeared until the experiment was concluded. To many, this leads to the belief that random events can be altered with conscious influence.

The Quantum Double Slit experiment

It’s impossible to explain this experiment without writing a book. Let’s just keep it simple and say this: when two slits were created and small bits of matter were very quickly ejected from a machine through the slits, the pattern that resulted was expected – two outlines of matter roughly in the shape of the slits.

However, when photons or other particles of matter were ejected through the slits, there were multiple outlines created. Scientists call this an interference pattern. In the popular, peer-reviewed journal Physics Essays, the experiment has been demonstrated multiple times to explore the role of how consciousness shapes physical reality.

NSA/CIA remote viewing experiments

In conjunction with Stanford University, scientists at both the NSA and CIA have demonstrated the ability of individuals to describe the appearance of remote geographical locations several hundred thousand miles away.

One participant was able to visualize the specific rings around Jupiter before pictures of it were taken by NASA and made public. In another experiment, participants were able to see people and objects that were located in different rooms with no point of reference.


In a study done by the Peoples Republic of China, researchers documented the ability of gifted children to teleport small objects from one place to another. The study was done under blind and double-blind conditions which yielded the same results. The findings were then published in an academic journal.

The study was undertaken with the oversight of various academic institutions and the Department of Defense. Given the sensitive nature of the study, it was originally considered classified. However, various other studies and experiments have concluded that the transportation of physical objects without a bodily carrier has been known to take place.

Psychokinetic experiments

In an unclassified 2004 U.S. Air Force research project titled the Teleportation Physics Study, participants were instructed and subsequently applied psychokinetic practices. In the study, several individuals were able to bend or contort metal specimens with no physical force.

These experiments occurred in various locations, including the Pentagon and the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command. Attendees and participants included military leaders – Commanders, Generals, and Colonels. It was documented as causing a “great deal of excitement” among those present.

The evolution of human consciousness

The discovery that human beings can innately influence reality goes back a long, long time and continues to this present moment.

Siddhartha Gautama, commonly referred to as the Buddha, continually taught that our thinking and our consciousness creates reality. Many of his teachings, especially on mindfulness and meditation, have been confirmed again and again by the scientific community. For example, Buddha’s teaching that our thinking alters our physical being has been confirmed. Scientists have repeatedly demonstrated that mindfulness significantly alters the physiology of the brain.

Now consider that Buddha lived over 2,500 years ago – approximately 500 years before Christ. Yet, he had this innate knowledge that put him years ahead of his time. It can be argued that his teachings are ahead of our time.

The brilliant Max Planck quote that preceded this article is very to how Buddha describes consciousness and manifestation of thoughts:

“What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow. Our life is the creation of our mind.”