Bruce Lipton, Anita Moorjani, Eben Alexander - Attitude of Gratitude

dankbaarheidDankbaarheid opent je hart en opent nieuwe deuren.

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The Song of the Butterfly

vlinderThere four beautiful souls met together and by improvising created the musical adventure you are witnessing now.

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Maak je geen zorgen over wat anderen van je denken

freedom6Maak je je veel zorgen over wat anderen van je denken, en hoe ze je zien? Probeer je altijd te zorgen dat iedereen het goed heeft? Dan ben je waarschijnlijk een ‘people pleaser’.

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Self-Judgment: Our Excuses Not to Live

kleuren13Self-Judgment: Our Excuses Not to Live

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Exploring the Nature of Consciousness

groei industrieMachtig mooi filmpje. Consciousness is the greatest mystery ever encountered by humanity.

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How Your Outer World is a Reflection of Your Inner World

spiegelMany people are confused about what it means when we talk about the outer world being a reflection of the inner self.  It IS a complex concept, and it’s one with several different layers of meaning.  Here are three layers explained, each incrementally more advanced than the one before.

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Real incidents that proves time travelers exist

timetravel210 Real incidents that proves time travelers exist

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Abraham Hicks ~ True love

kleuren hart5Abraham explains how you can recognize when you are in front of a true love. And the way Law of attraction works for this.

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Deepak Chopra - Is Life After Death Possible?

bde4Does everything about a person disappear at death? The body? Sure, it’s gone. The brain? It stops working, then dissolves. But what about awareness? Does our consciousness end forever?

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