Bentinho Massaro - A Spiritual Teacher for the Next Generation


Bentinho MassaroBentinho Massaro in Amsterdam.



Meet Bentinho Massaro. Even as a child, growing up in Holland, Bentinho Massaro had a sense of the endless possibilities within human consciousness.

At age 16, frustrated with what he perceived as the unconscious behavior of human society and the stupidity of going to school, he made a conscious commitment to search for the “Ultimate Answer” —an understanding of the actual workings of Life that would lead not only to individual fulfillment, but to the liberation of civilization from conflict entirely.

So he began a relentless quest, exploring a wide spectrum of teachers, philosophies, and methods, including studies in India, as well as Western practices, such as Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), telekinesis, and brain wave practices. He stayed with each practice only long enough to assess and digest what was useful to his goal, leaving behind anything he deemed non-essential.

Eventually, exhausted by constant striving, self-judgment, and intense suffering, he realized that all of the spiritual “authorities” he had studied—no matter how long their beards—were no more “enlightened” than himself. Although deeply disappointed, he decided to renew his commitment to seeking the ultimate answer; but this time, he would look only within his own being. This decision was a profound shift in allegiance toward what he had known all along: that Truth was to be found in the presence of his own existence, and of existence itself—in all its infinite potential.

This realization brought a deep relaxation and ease of being. “Life revealed itself to shine fully and completely by its own power alone, offering its presence with an incredible naturalness, requiring no effort,” Bentinho wrote. Life Itself was indeed The Ultimate Answer.

“I continued to sink into this indescribable freedom that doesn’t know any boundary. This awakening was the beginning of my life and the end of an unpleasant dream where I thought lack and separation could possibly exist. Ha!”!

Bentinho started teaching when he was 18, and has since held meetings and retreats in many cities in Europe and North America. He is now 26, and over the years, his teachings have evolved and deepened. He continues to refine and focus his work, with a goal to reach people from every walk of life, building a bridge to Enlightenment and self-empowerment for the “average Joe,” not just those already in the spiritual community. “It’s what I live for;” he says, “it’s what I came here for.”