Hemelse genezing, Anita Moorjani


hemel3If the doctors had been right, Anita Moorjani would not be alive today. Now an international speaker and New York Times best-selling author, Anita had been given mere hours to live by her doctors


Unable to move and in a deep coma caused by the cancer that had ravaged her body for nearly four years, Anita entered another realm where she experienced great clarity and understanding about her life and purpose here on earth. In that realm, she was given a choice of whether to return to life or continue on into death. Anita chose to return to this life when she realized that heaven is a state, not a place. Because of this awareness, she made a remarkable and complete recovery within weeks of coming out of the coma. When she shared her story of healing and the insights she gained from her experience in the other realm, it went viral on the internet, receiving enormous interest internationally.