Patrick Kicken: Vat vol tegenstrijdigheden!

kleuren handen lichtPatrick Kicken: Vat vol tegenstrijdigheden!

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The Spirit Molecule: DMT - Full Documentary

verbondenheid2Interested in what may lay behind the scenes? Then this documentary should be at or very near the TOP of your watch list. Compelling and for thought - so very much thought.

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Patricia & Bill Clum - Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview

bloemen en vlindersBill & Patricia guide you to that which is unhealed, exposing how these hurts and emotions rule our lives. You are able to face yourself, learn to untangle from these aspects that have a powerful impact and influence. In the discovery of new awareness and integration you begin to experience wholeness.

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Celebs Join Forces to Keep Promise for Chris Cornell

hart4Chris Cornell committed suicide at the age of 52 in his Detroit hotel room on May 18th – but before his death, he recorded a song called “The Promise” in honor of World Refugee Day.

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A Psychologists Amazing Discoveries After Near Death Experience

bde2From one woman’s near-death experience, comes an astounding story that explores the depths of man’s beginnings and the very blueprint of creation. Clinical psychologist, Dr. Kathy Forti, shares how her heart stopped and she was helped to return to Earth by multi-dimensional beings of light whose goal is to bring healing to our world. With this new guidance, she journeyed into the realm of physics and sacred geometry, and learned how key mathematical information affects the consciousness of the cells.

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Bottlenose Dolphin Rescue

dolfijnenPrachtig, hoe de mens ook de dolfijn kan helpen.

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Michael Jackson ∼ Oxford Speech

kleuren universumMichael Jackson ∼ Oxford Speech, zo mooi...

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The Giants Of The Bible Are 100% Real And Still Alive Today!

godHistory was changed to cover up this amazing information. They have been lying to us for so long, finally the true comes out.

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The Putin Interviews - (English Subtitles)

aardbol4Met de Poetin interviews probeert documentairemaker Oliver Stone een andere kant van de Russische president te laten zien. In verschillende interviews die tussen 2015 en begin 2017 werden opgenomen geeft Oliver Stone alle tijd en ruimte aan Poetin om zijn kant van het verhaal te vertellen.

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The Most Mysterious Things On Earth

aarde lichtBBC Documentary 2017 - The Most Mysterious Things On Earth Ever Best New Documentary HD

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