Mer-Ka-Ba science - Drunvalo Melchizedek

heilige geometrie2Drunvalo is the author of five books including The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Volumes I & II, Living in the Heart, Serpent of Light and his newest one, The Mayan Ouroboros. Met Lilou Marce.

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Eddie Murphy - Delirious

eddyEddy Murphy on stage. Een oudje maar wel leuk, confronterend en met de nodige humor.

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Heart imagery exercise: Daniel Mitel

hartgezpndheidHeart Imagery – Union with God, helps you to have an awareness of perfect Oneness. What could God give you but perfect knowledge of Himself? The belief that you could give and get something else, something outside yourself, has cost you the awareness of Oneness and of your Identity.

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Elon Musk: The mind behind Tesla, SpaceX, SolarCity ...

visEntrepreneur Elon Musk is a man with many plans. The founder of PayPal, Tesla Motors and SpaceX sits down with TED curator Chris Anderson to share details about his visionary projects, which include a mass-marketed electric car, a solar energy leasing company and a fully reusable rocket.

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What Is A Life Worth?

message of hopeHow wonderful life truly is, how precious is every moment, every breath we take, and every thought we think? What is a life worth, and what roll do we play in the cycle that unravels each and every day?

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De taal van de leugenaar: zo hoor je of iemand liegt

leugenaarGemiddeld genomen horen we 10 tot 200 leugens per dag. Door te luisteren naar eenvoudige aanwijzingen in het taalgebruik kun je die makkelijk herkennen.

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"The Great Rescue" of Relationships - Teal Swan

kusMost people are rescuers in relationships and they don’t even know it. The people we are inexplicably drawn to have the same wound that we do. And because they have the same wound that we do, it causes a flare up in the wound we both share.

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Awakening in the Digital Age: Eckhart Tolle, Karen May

dna4One-on-One with Eckhart Tolle and Karen May.

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Symphony of Science - 'We Are All Connected'

universe9"We Are All Connected" was made from sampling Carl Sagan's Cosmos. Blijvend actueel.

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How To Stop Caring What People Think Of You

gedachtenWaarom is de mening van anderen zo belangrijk? Waarom doen we zo ons best om te pleasen? Hoe kom je daar van af. Leerzaam!

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