Bruce Lipton - The 6th Mass Extinction & Changing our Mindset

communicatieBruce Lipton is an evolutionary biologist. He says we must change the way we think if we are going to save the planet. He talks about the ways to tap into the unconscious mind and shift our relationship to nature. Subscribe to NewRealities for the latest in Consciousness and Spirituality.

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obam2Barack Obama is close to making a groundbreaking announcement regarding UFO and extra-terrestrial activity before he leaves office, it's been reported.

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The Dalai Lama Explains What Extraterrestrial Bodies Look Like

dialama2Dalai Lama shares his views on what we should do in the event of an external visitor coming to planet earth.

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David Icke talks on BBC News

david icke1David Icke in de mainstream media en wel bij de BBC.

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The Power of Authenticity ~ Julia Mossbridge

kinderen gelukkigJulia Mossbridge presents "The Power of Authenticity: How Aliveness can Shift the Valley toward Engagement, Creativity, and Flow," at the Consciousness Hacking House in Silicon Valley.

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Steven Spielberg - Listen To The Whisper

kleuren vleugelsIn this inspirational speech Steven Spielberg tell us to listen to the whisper .

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happy6We hebben maar één leven, dus laten we er een geweldig leven van maken! We weten het stiekem wel, maar verliezen ons zelf toch vaak in de dagelijkse drukte van het werkende leven. Daarom willen we je vandaag drie mooie en prikkelende levensvragen voorleggen, die je jezelf regelmatig kan stellen. Waarom? Om jezelf te herinneren aan dat ene leven wat je nu leeft en hoe geweldig uniek je eigenlijk bent! Let’s go!

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Weer een Mooie Stijging van de Liefdesenergie op Aarde

hart10Ben in Liefde, Blijf in Liefde. Doe het opruimingswerk en VOEL de Stijging. De Hogere Rijken doen er ALLES aan om ONS bij te staan met onze ASCENTIE.

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Understanding The Twin Flame Healing Process

twinflamesThere can be times when you think your twin flame is too sensitive, dramatic, annoying etc. You can take this back as a mirror, its possible your twin is reflecting the unseen part within you.

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Introduction to Spontaneous Evolution, Bruce Lipton

licht123If looking at today's headlines makes you wonder about the fate of our planet, here is some news that may surprise you: from an evolutionary standpoint, we are exactly where we need to be. According to eminent biologist Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., we are surrounded by the proof that we are poised to take an incredible step forward in the growth of our species.

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